New about Austin AI

Issue 04/5/2017
Together improving automotive recycling

Hydro cooperates with Austin AI Inc. (AAI), Texas, on a technology to overcome a persistent gap in reliable, efficient separating and clean fractioning of 5xxx and 6xxx aluminium alloys from automotive production for recycling.

​AAI’s technology, based on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), brings advantages compared to other LIBS configurations and has already shown good test results in sorting these alloys for clear separation and clean recycling. In the second half year
of 2017, AAI will install a pilot scale sorting facility at Hydro’s research and development center in Bonn, Germany.
Hydro scientists will gradually
advance its processes and features, together with AAI. The aim is to increase the effectiveness of the sorting system and ensure high quality sorting results for the required throughput. Then, the technology can be expanded for full scale industrial use. Background: The automotive industry boosts the use of aluminium to build lighter cars that emit less CO2. Their
press shops are stamping different sheet components mostly made of 5xxx or
6xxx aluminium alloys. This requires separation of production scrap and
makes recycling complex already for
production remains, as well as at themend of life phase.

Latest NEWS about Austin AI

1) Hydro announce cooperation with Austin AI 19-2 April-May 2017 Proof 2

2) Hydro and Austin AI Together improving automotive recycling January 2017

3) Roland Scharf_Bergmann, Chair, Hydro Recycling Division Interview about Austin AI Technology

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